3 ways to increase productivity in your WFH (Work From Home) Space

So you've nailed the morning routine, you're drinking copious amounts of water and you never forget to tackle your MIT's (most important tasks) pretty early on. But yet you still haven't quite nailed productivity working from home.

If you haven't already, its time to create a dedicated space for you - yes YOU! Your space could be a nook in the office, a corner in the lounge room or the end of the dining table. But make sure if you're using a common area of the home, you can easily pack it down at the end of the day so you're not feeling surrounded by work 24/7.

We've put together our top 3 ways to increase productivity in your WFH (work from home) space!

1. Bring out the To-Do List

Take a breath and jot down everything you need to do for the day from the get go. This will ensure you have put things into perspective and can easily assess if you need to delegate or prioritise. Working through your To-Do List in a methodological way by prioritising the most important things, ticking things off as you go and adding anything new that comes up throughout the day will keep your stress free and increase your productivity. Better yet? You'll be so satisfied seeing all the ticked off items at the end of the day (even if you choose to stay in your pyjamas).

2. Refresh your Space

Just like the feeling of fresh bedsheets, clean hair and a new pair of shoes, refreshing your workspace can help you refresh your mindset. Think positive...you have the power to create your own space and decorate how you please. Whether its a dazzling new candle, sassy new storage item or an Italian-Riviera inspired vase, this small tip will have you more productive in now time.

3. Get fresh air when you need it

Whether its choosing to enjoy your lunch outside or taking a walk in the morning, you need fresh air to be productive. If you start to feel unproductive or stressed, try stepping out into the sunshine for 15 minutes to reignite yourself. Sunshine is a natural source of Vitamin D and will encourage your endorphins that promote happiness and satisfaction. Please remember to be sun safe of course!

And...remember, we're all in this together and it's important to stay positive! 

Isabel. curates products that invite a touch of magic into your home - the kind of magic that will help you love your space and work more productively. 

We hope you stay inspired and always look on the bright side.

La Dolce Vita xx